Bentley Substation Help

Opening and Viewing Print Styles

When you are working in a DGN file, you can open the Print Styles dialog (File > Print > Print Styles) to create or edit a print style. Alternately, you can open the Print Styles dialog in Print Organizer by selecting the Tools > Define Print Styles menu item. If a print style exists in the open DGN file, it will display in the Print Styles dialog when you open it.

The print style names display in the Print Styles list box (left pane), and the print style properties are broken down into categories, shown as tabs in the right pane. When you create or edit a print style, you must select the type of settings (data type) you want to add or edit. For example, in the image above, DGN/DWG Settings is selected to allow you to establish settings for DGN and DWG files. You can also specify whether a print style is a default print style. A check mark next to the print style name indicates that it is a default print style. For more information on default print styles, see Using Print Styles.